
Exchange JS: Edmonton's Javascript Community

Exchange JS is a group for Javascript developers and anyone interested in Javascript.

We are based in and around Edmonton, AB.

Get Involved


Join our slack workspace to network with other developers. Or share some cat gifs.


Attend our next meetup at 6:30pm, June 6th 2024, at Edmonton Public Library Strathcona Branch on Calgary Trail and 83rd Ave.

Upcoming Meetup Details


Find local javascript related events and talks. ExchangeJS has monthly meetups that anyone can attend.


View our previous Javascript related talks on the dev edmonton YouTube channel.


Want to sign up to give a talk or presentation? Register using our google sheet below.

Jun 6th, 2024: Nuxt and Rails
May 2nd, 2024: Hackathon
April 9th, 2024: Nuxt and Dev Edmonton's github
Feb 1st, 2024: Failure of least surprise by Ben Z.
June 1st, 2023: Derrick -- "Frameworkless rendering: JSX without React & other lightweight templating alternatives"